What’s Next – 1st time artists
- Web Profile
- Marketing the market
At First Saturday Arts Market, every artist gets their own web profile page. Email Mitch the following:
- Up to 6 images of your art,
- Public description of your work. Doesn’t have to be long.
- Your links. Web, Instagram etc. Just a few.
- Your medium. Abstracted Realism, Mixed Media Collage, Wearable Art … etc.
- One image will appear on the roster page for the month you attend. If you have a preference let me know.
- To change your profile, contact me, but do this before the market by at least 2 weeks.
- Your profile is viewed by the public.
- It remains in the archives by month.
- Our social media manager prepares posts beginning the week before the market (that 2-week deadline) and may use images you provide.
Review the current roster for ideas! The Roster
Featured Images on the roster Profile Example
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