Steam “what?”
Steampunk! I’ve always had a fascination for Steampunk but until recently didn’t realize there was a name for it. One could say “It all started that first time I saw Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on the big screen …
The Boston Globe has this to say about Steampunk-
Steampunk has its roots in science fiction literature, where it describes a corner of the genre obsessed with Victoriana and the idea that the computer age evolved alongside the industrial … link to story
Okay get it? I just love the look. I’ve always gravitated towards analog clock faces versus digital, cogs and wheels, steam engines and good old fashioned chivalry. Yada yada yada – well I’m happy to report that Steampunk has found its way into the First Saturday Arts Market.
Sam VanBibber, most well known for her stores, “Wear It Again Sam” is onto a new path. And from what I saw and heard this past Saturday her latest endeavor is a hit already. Sam sent me this photo just before the show and I know for a fact that a cool pair of earrings and necklace left and then came back later in the day adorning their admiring new owner. Look for Sam next month at market with Amie Krebbs and her wonderful Gournals. Sam also has her work available online- check out her page on this market website: