Joella Guaraglia-Wheeler
I was born in San Francisco and eventually found my way to Houston about 4 years ago via Oregon and Santa Fe, NM. My mixed media and ‘relief’ paintings display a variety of insights across varying themes. I use layers of texture and I build my colors for vibrancy. Despite the theme of any of my work you will see something new each time you experience one.
Instructor, Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Arts, Spring, TX
Member National Association of Professional Women, former
Member Texas Visual Artists Association, former
Member Visual Arts Alliance, Houston, TX, former
Contributing artist for the Art Project auction for the
Montgomery County Habitat for Humanity’s annual
fund raising gala, 2013, 2014 and 2015
Bayou City Art Festival, Downtown Houston, Fall 2014
Arts in the Park, The Woodlands, TX, Fall 2014, Oct 2015, Nov. 2015
Gold Rush Days Art Show, Wickenberg, Arizona, February, 2014
Solo Show at the Hilary Community Gallery,
Pearl Fincher Museum of Fine Art, Spring, TX, Summer 2013
Juried member of Santa Fe Artist Guild: NM, until 2012
Juried member of Corrales Art Society: NM, until 2012
Juried member of Santa Fe Society, NM until 2012
SFSA Board Member, 2007 to 2009
Wooden Cow Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
as a Juried Consigning Artist until 2010
Northern New Mexico Art Catalogue and Gallery,
Santa Fe, NM, until 2011
Instructor of Mixed Media Painting and Alternative
Self-Portraits at ArtXcapes Art School, Santa Fe, NM,
until 2011
Sweet Dreams Gallery in Taos, NM, until  2010
Salem Salon, Judges’ Choice Award, Salem OR, 2003
Wild Women Art Show, Independence, OR, 2003
Numerous awards including Best Abstract & Best Floral