Shoba Rani

Shoba Rani, the creator of Tipsy and Disposition series, believes that it is only natural to create. She is experimental in her approach, pushing the boundaries of traditional mediums and materials as well as subject matter. She embodies the notion that being inspired by one’s surroundings keeps one young.

Shoba Rani is a retired educator and experimental artist based in Bangalore, India. Her art is inspired by the cosmos itself. She sees beauty in everyday objects at the macro and microscopic levels. She delights in expressing what she sees in vibrant colours. As a lifelong artist she has created art with a variety of materials including fabrics, wood, shells, beads, seeds, stones, and any material that works for her vision. Her most recent work featured here, is an acrylic sheet painted with translucent glass paints, acrylic paints and crystals.

She likes to inspire creativity in young minds.


YouTube video: Glass Abstractions  Portrait of an Artist