We are the Decker’s (Keith & Rhonda) and operate our boutique woodworking business near Houston, TX. Take a look at our current offerings, look at our gallery, then come back soon to check out new products. Woodworking is a passion…we’re always looking for new product ideas and do custom work upon request. DeckerPair.com
I make assemblage/found object jewelry. Each piece is one of a kind incorporating bits and pieces from nature as well as antiques and vintage finds. www.instagram.com/squirrelwithhammer
Many people would look at my art and try to classify it into a certain category. This got me to thinking about how I could describe my style. My style can be described as real whimfansical. This description comes from the fact that my art is a combination of three styles. It is whimsical, mixed with fantasy and realism. After thinking about this combination I came up with the name real whimfansical, pronounced (whim-fans-ical). The name includes all three elements: whimsical, fantasy, and realism to produce whimfansical. leticiafrankio.com
The intricate detail of my work comes from countless hours hunched over a nightlight, pencil in hand. A mixture of damp concrete walls and thoughts of loved ones fed my sentiments and made my way. rictorlee.com
I’m a self-professed free spirit and “hippy at heart”. I’ve had the amazing opportunity to travel to 26 countries, many of them numerous times. All these places that I’ve visited around the world and the wonderful people I’ve met bring me such inspiration for my work. My current abstract pieces are inspired by my Indian heritage. http://www.dartheartist.com
Hand built clay art – both functional and sculptural pieced together from slabs leaving seams and fingerprints obvious. Doni uses darts like a seamstress and indents into the soft clay to create gesture and whimsical shape so that each piece might have a personality.
Angela’s abstracts take on a world of their own. Bright colors and happy vibes inspired by music and the world around her. A Native Houstonian and self-taught artist, Angela started painting in her late 20’s but didn’t start sharing her artwork until 2015. Her works have been exhibiting at varies galleries and art shows around Houston. Enjoy her heart and soul. angelarosewallingart.com